  1. 1. 听力分析2016-6-3th




  • ski resort:滑雪场

  • **rescue teams**:救援队

  • avalanche:雪崩

  • **the Les Deux Alpes area**阿尔卑斯山地区

    **French alps**法国阿尔卑斯山区

  • **Witnesses**said:目击者说

  • trigger 引爆、触发*(v)*

  • The Bellecombe piste Bellecome**滑雪道**

  • **Ukrainian**乌克兰

  • pupils:学生

Two French schoolchildren and a Ukrainian tourist have been killed in an avalanche at a ski resort in the French Alps. Three others—two pupils and a teacher— were seriously injured. All members of the group have now been accounted for by rescue teams. The avalanche struck the group, their teacher and the Ukrainian on a closed piste in the Les Deux Alpes area. **Witnesses said the avalanche was likely to have been triggered by groups skiing through the area. **The Bellecombe piste is situated on a particularly icy north-facing side of mountain. The piste had been closed since the beginning of the ski season because of a lack of snow over the holiday period. However, large quantities of snow have fallen on the French Alps in recent days, raising the risk of avalanches, the regional government said.

    1. How many people died in the avalanche?
    1. Why had the Bellecombe piste been closed since the beginning of the ski season?

  • extra:额外

  • **patrol**:巡逻

  • threat:构成威胁,威胁

  • Metropolitan:大城市

    Met= the Metropolitan Police

  • **commissioner**警察局长、专员

    Met Commissioner Sir:

  • **Scotland Yard**伦敦警厅,苏格兰场

  • **reassess**重新考虑,再次决定

  • **respond to **对….反应,响应

  • fundamental principle:基本原则

  • outinely:例行,通常地

    that police in the UK are not routinely armed,

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

Six hundred extra armed officers are to be trained and patrols will be more than doubled to help counter the threat of a terrorist attack in London, the Metropolitan Police has announced. It will bring the total number of armed officers in the capital to 2 800. Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said: “It will be an expensive option, but is vital to keeping us safe.” It comes after Scotland Yard reassessed its ability to respond to armed attacks after last year’s Paris terror attacks. The plan to increase the number of armed officers—which is already under way— will more than double the Met’s number of armed response vehicles. The increase in armed officers would not change the fundamental principle that police in the UK are not routinely armed, with about 92% of the Met officers still unarmed, he added.

    1. Why is London going to increase armed officers?
    1. What is the fundamental principle for the UK police?

firearm 便携

  • **michigan**:密西根州

  • resident:居民

  • **the National Guard**国家警卫队

  • **distribute **派发

  • **residents**居民

  • struggling with: 斗争

  • **filters**过滤

  • **elevated **升高

  • **plumbing**来自水管

  • **leaked**泄漏

  • **lead exposure**铅泄漏

  • **supply**供应

    in watersupplies and in children’s blood.

  • **learning disabilities**学习障碍

  • **vulnerable**脆弱

  • exposure:暴漏

  • **severely**严重

  • **mental**精神

  • detroit

Michigan has deployed the National Guard to distribute bottled water and filters to residents in Flint who are struggling with a water crisis. The move ordered by Governor Rick Snyder comes after recent tests found elevated blood lead levels in children living in the city. Old plumbing leaked lead into homes after the city switched water sources. More than 30 Guardsmen will be in place by Friday in Flint, which has 99 000 people. Mr Snyder has described the situation as a crisis and declared an emergency last week. The city switched its water source from the city of Detroit to the Flint River in 2014, in order to save money. The water from the river leached lead off old plumbing, which then made its way into people’s homes. They have since switched back to Detroit’s water. In October, testing revealed increased lead levels in water supplies and in children’s blood. Lead exposure can cause learning disabilities and behavioural problems in children. According to the Mayo Clinic, young children are especially vulnerable, and exposure can severely affect mental and physical development.

    1. What can we learn about Mr Snyder from the news report?
    1. Why did the city Flint change its water source in 2014?
    1. What is found to be high in children’s blood?

amenable to对(事物)服从的.

scheme for 计划方案




modular programming:模块编程

devise :想出,设计

particular :个别的,个人的;

finite: 有限的

Unfortunately,that comfort can hinder the very learning that can excpand your company and your career.


It’s nice to have people agree,but you nedd conflicting perspectives to dig out the truth.



If everyone around you has similar views,your work will suffer from confirmation bias



confirmation bias:验证性偏见

Take a look at your own network.Do you contracts share your point of view on most subjects?If yes,it’s time to shake things up.

Take a look at your own network:审视一下自己的关系网络。

DO you contracts share your point of view on most subjects?你的熟人大部分事情上与你意见一致?

AS a leader ,it can be challenging to create an environment in which people will freely disagree and argue,but as the saying goes:
From confrontation comes brilliance.


From confrontation comes brilliance冲突之下必有精彩

There’s no need to go out and find people your hate ,but you need to do some self-assessment to determine where you have become stale in your thinking.

self assessment:自我评估



you need to do some self-assessment to determine where you have become stale in your thinking.你需要做一些自我评估确定你思想中哪些东西已经乏味不堪了。

Passionate,energetic debate does not require anger and hard feelings to be effective.But it dows require moral strength.




Once you have worthy opponents,set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries.The objective of this debating game is not to win but to get to the truth that will allow you to move faster,farther,and better.

worthy opponents可以相媲美的对手


set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries.指定一些基本规则,从而使大家都明白责任和底线.

The objective of this debating game is not to win but to get to the truth that will allow you to move faster,farther,and better.这种辩论游戏目的并不是赢,而是得到更多的事实真相,能够然能给你更快更远更好地进步。

  1. 1. 听力分析2016-6-3th